...Found it

There was almost a disturbing number of hours that went into designing that thing. Still, I love how it came out.

Ok, just... NO! I've wasted enough time on this, I'm taking the lead. Just through the next door?
Yes. Can you let me go now?
*hop* *hop*
No mistakes, you can stay put until I actually see it with my own eyes. Only when I'm damn sure that I can finally take out Mother Brain am I going to let my map go floating off into the distance.
*bwam* *bwam* *bwam* *bvwee*
Don't know if I'd 'float' so much as 'rocket'...
Kraid... you can let Geruta go now.
*pulse* *throb*

Metroid, Samus, Kraid, and the rest of 'em are all property of Nintendo, who to my knowledge wouldn't do anything such as sue me or shut poor Planet Zebeth down, because they're so damn nice, and Metroid kicks ass : }
This particular comic strip was made solely by me, by that happy little program known as KolourPaint. Yes, the one that everyone runs in fear from. That's why the comic looks the way it does.